Founded by Rebekah McCutcheon in November 2019, Fit Test Australia provides clients dedicated respiratory safety with the most reliable, objective and efficient method of fit testing.
Fit Test Australia was established to address the shortcomings of the industry. Consistent with the highest industry standard and best practice, Fit Test Australia specialises in Quantitative Fit Testing (QNFT) services, ensuring compliance with Australian New Zealand Standard AS/NZS1715:2009 whilst delivering quality you can count on.
FTA pride ourselves on excellence and have experience spanning across multiple industries ranging from Tunnelling, Construction, Mining and Healthcare/Student Clinical Placement. We are a dynamic team offering mobile services to fit test nationally.
Fit Test Australia are leaders in providing Quantitative Fit Test Train-The -Trainer from individuals through to large companies.
You can find FTA offices in Melbourne, (Toorak) and Sydney (Randwick and Fairfield Heights).
We are members of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) and proud sponsors of RESP-FIT, the first Australian accreditation program for respiratory fit testing.
Fit Test Australia is a trusted established company. Our team in NSW and Victoria are second to none with unmatched experience providing exceptional services, this makes us your go-to company for all your health and safety needs.
Your health is your wealth. Breathe easy.

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78,186 +
fit tests
happy companies
lungs protected
WHAT IS FIT TESTING?Fit Testing is performed to check the seal around tight fitting respirators to ensure you are receiving the masks full intended protection. Quantitative fit testing is the most reliable objective method of fit testing and is considered to be the gold standard. If your mask does not seal properly, you may still be exposed to the very hazard that prompted the very use of your respirator.
CAN I FAIL THE TEST?Yes you can fail the test. It is entirely possible that an instant fail can occur at any time due to a variety of reasons which would end the test prematurely. There are a number of reasons you could fail the test: The respiratory mask being tested doesn’t provide an adequate seal around your face, incorrect size, model or style provided. Smoking or eating within 30 minutes of the test being conducted can alter the particle count potentially generating a false particle reading which might compromise the test and cause it to fail. You are not clean shaven and therefore a perfect seal cannot be achieved. Incorrect donning of mask. Strap tension. Your mask has lost its integrity and/or may be damaged.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE?A complete Fit Test exercise using the PortaCount 8048 will take approximately 10-15 minutes if passed.
WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR ME TO BE FIT TESTED?You must be clean shaven on the day, no beards, goatees etc. You must not smoke, vape or consume food within 30 minutes of the test. Appropriate PPE to ensure it is compatible with your RPE (Respiratory Protective Equipment) during the test.
AM I REQUIRED TO BE FIT TESTED IF I USE A RESPIRATORY MASK?AS/NZS 1715 S2(2.6) requires that suitable fit tests be conducted at least once a year for all users of Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) with all tight-fitting face pieces, where they are sized to fit the wearer, to ensure the mask provides an adequate seal. It is recommended annually thereafter.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD I BE FIT TESTED?Based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard – AS/NZS 1715:2009 Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment, Respiratory Fit Testing in Australia states fit-testing should be conducted: Initially when the RPE is first issued, at least annually, and when the wearer is issued a new size, style, make or model. Not required by law, fit testing is being adopted by many companies as best practice to ensure worker health and safety.
WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED?We have offices located in Sydney NSW and Melbourne VICTORIA. The Randwick Sydney location is at Level 2 / 67-69 Belmore Rd, Randwick. The Fairfield Sydney location is Shop 4 / 165 The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights. The Melbourne location is at Level 1/ 459 Toorak Rd, Toorak.
HOW CAN I BOOK A FIT TEST?Simply click on "Book a Fit Test" at the top of the page and choose an option that suits you. You can select the location and then a date and time. The link to book is www.fta.net.au/book-online
HOW MUCH DOES A FIT TEST COST?A Single Quantitative Fit Test is $88. 2 x Fit Tests for Student Placement are $132. Our Melbourne office currently has a promotion for $66 (Single Fit Test) and $75 (Student Placement Fit Test). Masks are provided for testing, FTA do not charge for additional masks tested and you will receive you fit test reports immediately as well as a fit test ID card. We only test N95 masks that are approved by the state Healthshare Departments for clincal placement.
Get in touch for quotes or questions.